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About Us

Word Inspired Network 

Making a Difference Worldwide


W ord Inspired Network (WiN), serves as a Ambassador and Witness for Christian living.  Our primary goal, is to ignite faith in Jesus Christ, toward the establishment of a sound relationships with God, and the local Church. for the purpose of promoting and expanding Salvation.


WiN is committed to reaching those, who for whatever reasons are outside the Church, and empower them with the knowledge of God’s love; and His plan for their lives, through the teaching of His Word.  


As a bridging ministry,  WiN aspires to administer healing and deliverance; through the teaching of applicable Biblical principles, found in God’s Word.  


May God bless you on your Journey–Lady D


Our Beliefs

♦ We believe in one God, Who exists in three Persons — the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
He is united, yet distinct.
♦ We believe the Bible is the Word of God,  inspired by God,  and that it is accurate and final authority on all accounts.  
♦ We believe God's Word reflects the "Will of God," in all matters pertaining to life and eternity.
♦ We believe sin separates us all from God, and that it is only through Jesus Christ, that we can be redeemed and reconciled to God.
♦ We believe that  Jesus Christ is God and man; and that He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of the virgin Mary.  
♦ We believe Jesus led a sinless life, but took our sins upon Himself. He then died in our place, and rose again with victory over the devil and hell. Today, Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, where He serves as our eternal High Priest and Mediator.
♦  We believe Salvation is the gift of God to man, by God's grace, through His son, Jesus Christ;  and not by works or good deeds.
♦ We believe that the water baptism is an outward symbol, of an inward commitment, which signifies the cleansing power of God; and serves as a testimony of our faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ.
♦ We believe that the Holy Spirit is our Comforter, Guide and Teacher in every area of our lives.  We believe that the Holy Spirit also empowers us,with spiritual gifts, known as the fruits of the Spirit.
♦ We believe the Holy Communion is a celebration and memorial of Jesus’ death on our behalf.  When we partake of it, we do so in appreciation and remembrance of His sacrifice of love toward us.
♦ We believe God has a plan to deliver, transform, heal, protect and make provision for man. Which enables us to live out God's original plan for mankind in the earth_which He intended before the fall of man in the Garden of Eden.
♦ We believe that the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, calls us to bear witness, teach, and share the Gospel with others. Encouraging their faith in Jesus Christ, to the edification of the Church.
♦ We believe the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back again just as He promised.  Therefore, we are to be ready and watch diligently.
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