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God's Promise to Israel

“I will make you a great nation;

I will bless you.

and make your name great; 

and you shall be a blessing.


I will bless those who bless you,

and I will curse him who curses you;

and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”


Genesis 12: 2-3

Join WiN in  Supporting Israel

"RAiN" for Israel

It’s That Simple!


When we bless Israel, God blesses us.


The Bible says Israel is the apple of God’s eye. That does not mean that You and I are not.  It does mean however, that God is for Israel just as He is for you and I. Which makes it best that we be for Israel as well.


Have you ever wondered why God loves Israel so much? Most people generally identify and try to reduce Israel to the mistakes of their Biblical past.  However Israel means much more to God than a troubled Nation. And Israel should mean much more to us all.


One reason God loves Israel, is because, God hand-picked Israel to serve as His example to the world. At that time in Biblical history, mankind served multiple gods. Israel was the first Nation that God established unto Himself.


It was Abraham’s generosity and willful sacrifice of his linage, that provided a platform for God, in which He would use to further His plan for the redemption of mankind.

This is why God loves Abraham and stands behind His promise to bless Israel. It's because Israel provided a gateway for “all nations” of the earth to be blessed _ and to be saved. Therefore,  Abraham’s gift to God benefited all of mankind, and for that we should all be grateful. 


The unfailing love,  protection, and prosperity that God has for Israel; is simply a picture of what a relationship with the “One Eternal, and Creating God of Heaven looks like. We have no reason to resent Israel for their past, or envy Israel for their divine future. 


Israel was chosen, and given a hard assignment on behalf of all of mankind. It's God relationship with Israel that affords us all personal relationship with God today. God loves Israel for doing their part in His plan for redemption, They have been blessed by God, and they cannot be cursed.


Today Israel is in need of our support.  WiN would like to offer you the opportunity to sow seeds toward the restoration and sustaining efforts on behalf of a Holy Nation.

The Bible encourages us to sow seed in good ground. I believe that an investment in line with God’s plan and purpose is a wise choice of investment.


I invite you to share in the “Blessing of the RAiN,” by joining WiN in being a blessing to Israel.




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