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"Salvation RollCall"
We know that God is truly the only one,
Who can put our names on Heaven's Roll.
Signing your name to our Salvation RollCall serves as an expression of choice
to make Heaven your home, and Salvation your goal.
We invite you to join us in signing your name below,
if you are proud to profess Jesus as your Lord and Savoir.
Together we encourage others in the faith.
Lady "D"
City, State
I was baptized and accepted Christ as a child. I still remember the dream I had the night before my baptism. I dreamed that someone was knocking at our back door. I ran and opened the door, and to my surprise, it was Jesus standing there. It felt like He was there for me, but just as he proceeded to step into my parents house, I woke up.
Person's Name
City, State
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City, State
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