Bible Glossary
The Mercy Seat
The Tower of Babel
Genesis Ch 11:1-9
Did you know that at one time in history, all nations of the world spoke only one language. It's true! The bible gives us an account in Genesis 11 when God scrambled or confused the language because the people displeased Him by carrying out their lives apart from His counsel and plan for man.
It was during this period in biblical history that the people of the earth elected to follow Nimrod who was grandson of Ham and great grandson of Noah. Nimrod was said to have been a mighty hunter before the Lord. He is accredited as the founder of Babel; ancient Babylon, current day Iraq.
However, it appears that Nimrod served himself, in having and pursuing his own agenda, rather than serving God. This displeased God very much. The "Tower of Babel" is where the people under the leadership of Nimrod, worked on one accord to build a city. It was their intent to erect a building that would reach the Heavens, so to imply a desire to rule Heaven and earth.
God saw their ill-purposeful union and intervened by confusing their language to limit their ability to effectively communicate with one another. God's strategic move prompted not only separate and new languages, but also propelled the scattering of Nations over the face of the earth. Ultimately, resulting in the diverse nations, languages, and people that came to exist today.
Scripture is clear in emphasizing that it has always been and is the will and plan of God that man should live in communion or in communication with Him. Typically, throughout the old testament we find people openly rebelled against God, much like people today.
The Ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the Pharaohs and their Queens. The oldest known pyramid was built in Egypt around 2630 BC.
The “Great Pyramid of Giza,” one of three located on the west bank of the Nile river is said to be the oldest, largest, and only surviving structure among the seven wonders of the world.
Over the centuries, pyramids have suffered at the hands of tomb robbers and vandals. Still people over the world are intrigued with Egypt’s glorious past.
Genesis Ch 11:1-9
Bible Historians suggest that the Tower of Babel, built under the leadership of Nimrod was properly a Ziggurat.
A Ziggurat was a multi-level pegan-god(s) Temple-tower. Ziggurats resembled pyramids, but with tiered levels, each slightly smaller than the level beneath it, creating a steplike apperance; and each level painted a different color.
The Ziggurat was the focal point of a city, it was the largest building in area, and could be seen from anywhere in the city.
Genesis Ch 11:1-9
Noah’s Ark is one of the more famous of Bible stories. Ten generations from the time of Adam and Eve, the world had grown more distant from God and sin was at an all time high. God was deeply troubled with the corrupt state of mankind, and regretted having created them.
The Bible tells us that God decided He would remove man from the face of the earth, but Noah found favor in God’s eyes. Noah was given instructions from God to build an Ark as refuge from the flood God would send over the face of the earth to destroy all mankind and animals with the exception of Noah, his wife, their 3 sons, Shem, Ham, Japheth, and their 3 wives.
Only a total of 8 people and a single pair of each animal type would survive the flood and repopulate the earth.
The Bible says Noah was 600 years old when the rain began. It would be over 1 year later, before he and his family, along with the animal-pairs; would be allowed to exit the boat.
Genesis 5
THE FLOOD (narrative)
Genesis Ch 6 – 8
Noah was 480 years old and childless at the time God first instructed him to build the Ark. It would take 120 years to completion of the Ark. During the time of construction of the Ark, Noah's wife gave birth to their 3 sons. Noah’s first born son was Shem, followed by Jepheth and his notably 3rd and youngest son Ham, would come the following next two years.
Although the rain fell upon the earth for 40 days and 40 nights, the historical flooding that resulted from the rain, would remain upon the earth another 150 days. It was during this time the ark rested on the peak of Mt Ararat (Asia).
God had given specific instructions to Noah regarding the type of materials, size and details for constructing the Ark, which was to preserve Noah, his family, and the animals during the flood. The Ark measured 450’L, x 75’ W x 45’ H. (approximately 1 1/2 times larger than a football field). The Bible records that the main entry door to the Ark was so big, that God, Himself had to close it.
And God said: “This is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.
It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.
The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” (NKJV)
Exodus 19: 1-20
It was here at Mt Sanai, (sometimes called Mt Horeb)where Moses met God at the burning bush instructing him to return to Egypt to guide the Hebrews out of salavery.
Upon fleeing Eqypt under Moses direction, the Hebrews camped in the wilderness region of Saudi Arabia. It was here at Mt Sanai that Moses climbed and met with God in receipt of the Ten Commandments which he established as Hebrew law.
It would take the Israelites 40 years to make it to the Promise Land. Only two people would make it out of the wilderness, Joshua and Caleb; the only two of twelve spies who returned good reports in view of favorable war strategies over the Philistiens.
Not even Moses would cross over into the Promise Land. God only allowed Moses to climb Mt Nebo and look over into the Promise Land, but Moses died and was buried during the wilderness journey.
During Israel’s wilderness years under leadership of Moses, the people established Jewish laws for repentance, sacrifice, and worship. It was during this period in Biblical history that God gave strict instructions regarding the erecting of the wilderness “Tent of Meeting” and its cultural conditions for service and worship.
Because the Israelite's were in route to their Promise Land (Canaan), it was necessary to have a portable place of worship. The old testament Tent of Meeting represented God’s desire to remain in communion and Sovereignty among Israel. Israel’s worship and commitment to “The One and only Living God,” was meant to encourage pagan cultures to trust in the Creator rather that His creations.
Exodus 33
SUKKOT (wilderness booths)
Leviticus 23:29-43
The Wilderness Booths provided temporary shelter or housing during Israel’s years in the wilderness. To construct these small tabernacles, the Israelites made walls of twisted branches and roofs of loose leaves, permitting starlit views and rain to enter.
Today, The Feast of Booths (or Tabernacles) is still celebrated among the Jewish faith in remembrance of Israel’s days in the wilderness where they lived in tents in route from from Egyptian slavery to Canaan, the Promise Land.
God instructed the people through Moses in Lev. 23: 33-43 the following: " ...Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when ye have gathered in the fruit of the land, ye shall keep a feast unto the LORD seven days: on the first day shall be a sabbath, and on the eighth day shall be a sabbath.
And ye shall take you on the first day the boughs of goodly trees, branches of palm trees, and the boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook; and ye shall rejoice before the LORD your God seven days.
And ye shall keep it a feast unto the LORD seven days in the year. It shall be a statute for ever in your generations: ye shall celebrate it in the seventh month. Ye shall dwell in booths seven days; all that are Israelites born shall dwell in booths: That your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God”
During Bible times the threshing floor was the place where harvest grains were threshed out. They were primarily used for separating the grain and wheat from the husk and debris. Vineyard farmers also used threshing floors for trampling the grapes.
A threshing floor was a flat stone or brick area of a field, resembling a patio. It’s purpose was to provided a solid floor in the field to allow thrusting or treading of harvest. After the threshing process, the stalks and grain were then thrown up into the air so that the wind could blow the chaff and debris away, leaving the good kernels of the harvest. This was called winnowing.
During biblical times, threshing floors were an important asset to landowners and farmers of that day. They provided a place for processing their crops out in the fields, and served the people of that day as patios of modern day societies.
Genesis 50:10-11, Numbers 15:20
During Biblical times, dreams were commonly regarded as divine messages. Ancient civilization understood that dreams reveal personal aspects of a persons life represented through symbolism. Dream interpreters were often sought and depended for accurate interpretations. A number of Bible Patriots are know for having the gift and ability to interpret dreams, although they outwardly revered God as the true interpreter of dreams.
Jacob’s Ladder is representative of a dream Jacob had while camping one night on his journey to seek a wife. In the dream, Jacob saw a stairway or ladder with Angels ascending and descending upon it, between heaven and earth. God stood at the top of the ladder, and spoke with
Jacob re-confirming His promise to bless Jacob’s grandfather, Abraham’s and his descendants.
The Bible says in Gen 28:16; “Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.” 17 And he was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven!”
In the history of Bible Patriots, Joseph, the great grandson of Abraham was given a coat of many colors by his Fathers, Jacob. The Bible tells us that Joseph was the much loved son of his father over the other ten sons of Jacob.
Joseph’s story is a great one; centered around fulfilled purpose, propelled by jealousy. We are told that Joseph was hated by his brothers who envied the favoritism shown to Joseph by their Father Jacob. Jacob’s love for Joseph was a result of his love for Joseph’s Mother, Rachel, one of two sisters Jacob had taken as wives.
The story unfolds when Jacob leaves his home ate the age of 17 in fear of his life at the hand of his brother, Esau. Under the advisement of his Mother, Rebekah, Jacob sets out in search of a wife from the household of his Uncle. Upon arriving, he is met at a water well by a young woman named Rachel, and it seems it was love at first sight for them.
Jacob feeling he had found the love of his life then asked his Uncle Laban’s permission to marry the beautiful Rachel. Laban approved, with the condition that Jacob would work for him for a period of seven years as payment for his daughter.
On the night of their marriage, in the bedroom chamber, Jacob removed the veil from his wife’s face only to discover his bride was “NOT RACHEL,” but Leah, her older sister. Needless to say, he inquired of Laban about the trickery; Laban’s response was that it’s not customary to marry the younger daughter before the older. His Uncle then proceeded to propose another arrangement of marriage, this time to Rachel, if Jacob would agree to work yet another 7 years for him. What was Jacob to do, except agree?
Jacob eventually leaves Laban married to sisters. Overtime Jacob came to Father 12 sons. 6 of whom by Leah, 2 by Leah’s maidservant, 2 by Rachel’s maidservant; finally Rachel gives birth to her firstborn son Joseph, and lastly Benjamin. Now we understand why Joseph was Jacobs favorite.
Because Joseph was the way late conceived miracle-child of Joseph and his beloved wife Rachel. It was all Jacob and Rachel ever wanted_to just marry and start their lives together with children born to them.
Nevertheless, Joseph’s 10 brothers hated him, and plotted to kill him, but sold him into slavery instead. As it turns out, Joseph would grow to an esteem position of executive rank, being only second in command to Egyptian King Pharaoh. As Governor of Egypt, Joseph would secure the Patriot linage during famine at the expense of Pharaoh.
The Shofar was used to signal or sound various holidays or corporate tasks among ancient Israelites. It was a form of mass communication.
The Shofar was commonly used to sound the Sabbaths, announce Jewish holidays, to call the people to the Synagogue.
The Israelites also made use of he Shofar in battle, processions, as well as to accompany other musical instruments.
The Shofar is made from the horns of animals, although the Ram is the preferred horn of choice.
SHOPHAR (shofar)
Exodus 29:18-21, (Joshua) 6:4-9
Exodus 29,31; Leviticus 8-9
Among the 12 sons of Jacob, God choose Levi as the Priesthood. From Levi all the males are divinely designated to serve as Priest to the Israelites. Moses and Aaron were born to this linage. Old Testament Priest were required to sanctify themselves in preparation of Temple service on behalf of the people.
When the O.T. Law was given, Moses was instructed to appoint Aaron and his sons as Priest for Israel; this meant a lifetime appointment.
The office of High Priest was reserved for the oldest descendant, beginning with Aaron. Only the High Priest was allowed access into the Holy of Holies to make Atonement on behalf of the Israelites once a year.
O.T Priest were required 7-day consecration ceremonies. These ceremonies involved extensive washings, anointing with oils, specific sacrifices, and the consecration and dedication of Priestly garments and various Temple Articles before service was permitted and accepted by God.
To violate any part of God’s elaborate instructions for sanctification, meant defilement of the Temple and death to the violator.
The Ephod was an apron-like outer garment made of fine linen with gold, blue, scarlet threads.
Only the High Priest attire required the Ephod and Breastplate bearing the names of the twelve tribes of Israel (in order of their births) attachment to their Priestly robe during service in the Holy Place of the Tabernacle.
Exodus 28:6-14
Exodus 30:18-21
The Laver was one of several important, strategically placed Articles of Temple worship. The laver was an oversized bronze bowl filled with water which sat in the outer court on the left side of the Temple.
It was required of the Priest to cleanse themselves at the laver after their Priestly sacrificial duties were carried out_before entering the Holy Place. To omit this washing ritual, meant defilement of the Temple, and brought death to that Priest.
Today, the daily confession and application of God’s Word cleanses and prepares us to minister or serve in God’s presence.
(Matthew 19:24)
(Matthew 1:21-28)